6 Ways to Renew Without Destroying Your Kitchen

15 May 2020

You may well have a kitchen, as you can see in magazines, TV shows, serials, movies, commercials, your interior designer or designer friends' homes. Of course you may. You know that too. But you don't have to spend as much as money you think or destroy your kitchen entirely and build it again. What you need is just a couple of touches of change.

Yeah. Yeah, for real. I mean it. Ah, wait a second! Don't begin to demolish your kitchen already. Here are six touches of change which will make you feel refreshed without the need to rebuild your kitchen.

1. Usually, the counters in the kitchens that need to be renewed are really old. Well, so many meals had been cooked on it, and acidic, sugary foods left stains on it. When cooking, putting the stuff, your counter got worn off. It's inevitable. Pretty normal. But instead of changing your kitchen entirely, you can only change your counter.

You can buy readymade counters from construction markets furniture decoration stores or you can take some support from the counter constructors.

You can get your new counter done by your measurements, model, color. Trust me, there will be a major refreshment in your kitchen.

2. You can paint your kitchen cupboards. And for example, you can paint your top and bottom cupboards in different colors. And if you have the skills, not only you can paint them but also you can draw various patterns and even models on them.

3. You can renew the lights in your kitchen. I say you change your current lights into newly trend model.

Because light is not only a need but also an aesthetical figure. Light is something that will give you a sense of refreshment, and lighten not only your kitchen but also your soul. So I think it's best you change your light.

4. You can replace your sink battery with matte black, copper red or a spiraled model.

Especially the spiraled and battery models are so easy to use. Since its cap is movable, it is very practical and comfortable to use. Dishes to wash? Five minutes. Vegetables to rinse? Three minutes..

5. In order to personalize your kitchen a little more you can use little accessories. A painting that warms you whenever you look or a plant.

You can renew your tablecloth, runner American services, curtains, rugs or carpets or even your chairs. These are the changes that look small but have a major effect.

6. If you want to add a modern look to your kitchen, you can use shelves instead of cupboards. You can prefer a wooden or metal shelf according to your style and taste. This will both add a modern, stylish look to your kitchen and it is more practical. It is very convenient for usage. Because everything you need is reachable. No trouble of closing or opening the cupboards. If you can't handle this kind of major change you can at least add a small shelved cupboard to your kitchen.

As I said in the beginning, to renew you kitchen, you don't have to destroy and rebuild it entirely. Those little touches will refresh your kitchen so much.

See you again. Take care of yourself and your home. Goodbye.

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