9 Reasons to Choose a Small House

07 February 2020

People live a quick life because of the city lifestyle. That's why the wide houses have begun to become history. People now prefer 1+1 or studio flats more and more. And so, I am in a small house which has been decorated so well. Before decorating the small houses, planning should be made. This stage is even more important the furniture. The more the planning is accurate, the more useful every corner of the house. I will provide you some ideas to live in small spaces.

1. Use the idle corners as storage areas.

This way, you create both functional and visually charming solution. You can hide the combi located in the middle of the lounge using a small cabinet. You can solve this problem for your bookshelves by using as many shelves and drawers you can. This way you can make a tidy and spacious storage area.

2. Use a king-size bed.

This may not make any sense to you. But the pieces like big beds or couches can make it feel like you have much more space.

3. Let the sunlight in and be diffused.

If you have a house which receives little light, diffuse the light inside the house by using lightings and mirrors. More light always makes you feel that your house is more spacious.

4. Widen the space if you can.

For example, if you have a balcony, you can widen the space by bringing it to the kitchen or lounge. By bringing unused areas together, you can create a single and large space. Merge your kitchen and living room. This way you can obtain a larger area by merging two areas. If the kitchen was separated by a wall the space would be smaller and darker. By not using a wall, the space is merged and both the kitchen and living room has become more spacious.

5. Use mirror.

With the help of the reflection, you can have a more spacious area by making it look more larger than it is. You don't just only give depth to space, but also you diffuse the light everywhere.

6. Have plants in your house.

Bringing nature in your house feels the space more open and boosts your mood. It should be applied especially to the houses in the city center.

7. Add an island to your kitchen.

Not having much space for the guests is a disadvantage in the small houses. By adding an island to your kitchen, you both widen your counter and have an area to chat with your guests. Bar chairs around the island will help you with that.

8. Use furniture in accurate measurements.

One of the biggest mistakes when choosing furniture is to not choose furniture by the measurements. If space you saw the product in is huge but your house is small then never buy anything without the measurements. You could be upset by the results after buying it and coming home.

9. Use lighter colors and tones.

Light is the savior of the small spaces. When it is used with light colors, they become one. For small, narrow, suffocating rooms which lacks enough lights. I repeat my light color recommendation. If the room you will decorate is small, you can choose light colors for the walls and floors and dark colors for which we call home textile products such as pillows, curtains, and coverlets. Painting all the brick walls in white makes the house much more spacious generally. The wall where the fireplace that is wanted to stood out is located both adds color difference as the only different color and creates a contrast to the white.

Advantages of small houses

The houses used to be smaller. The main reason for this is to heat the house more easily. It is not only prefered for easy heating today. Let's look at the main reasons:

1. Small house can feel more spacious.

Having a smaller general layout doesn't mean it has to feel smaller inside. A well designed small house can feel more spacious than a much bigger house that has a weird flat plan.

2. Heating and cooling a smaller house is cheaper.

Simple math. The more space you have, the more expensive the heating. Heating and cooling of the smaller houses are cheaper.

3. Furnishing a small house is easier

If you are a beginner, the cost of furnishing your house can escalate quickly. Especially there are tens of square meters to fill. A smaller house that has less space to fill means you can focus on purchasing what you love instead of pushing your budget to buy something for every room.

4. Cleaning a small house takes less time

There is no way of getting out of cleaning. But if you have a smaller house, this process lasts shorter and easily. Shorten the cleaning time every week and have more time for other things. Just sit and enjoy your beautiful house.

5. Caring of a small house is easier

It will always cost less and require less caring comparing to their equivalents in a bigger house.

See you in the next video, take care!

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