Out to the Sun

21 May 2020

Following the long winter months, finally we arrived at those sunny days that make us smile and that warm us up. It is the perfect time to deal with our beloved gardens and to go out to open spaces where we get together with our families around beautiful tables. You can have a look at our recommendations that we prepared so that you can make these open spaces more enjoyable with modern and aesthetic details. 

Choose a Correct Colour 

It is crucial to use products that can be piled up in order to protect our furniture from different weather conditions such as rain and sun light. Choosing the right colour is as important as choosing the products with high quality and durability to prolong the products’ life. Colour preferences of pastel and light tones that matches the serenity of nature can be a correct preference for your furniture against damaging factors such as discolouration and fading.

Coffee and Chat Corner

It is crucial to locate your furniture in outdoor environments in order to enlarge the space you have. If you have a narrow space, you can create combinations appropriate with products, which are designed in different modular systems of single, double, or triple parts.

If you have a large space, you can create corners by preferring L and XL sofas. 

Decorative Solutions

This year, in addition to pastel tones, geometrical designs are all the rage in terms of form and patterns for furniture. You can simplify your living spaces by using geometrical cushions and unexaggerated pastel objects that go well with your furniture. 

Dining Tables

It is very crucial to locate the tables, we gather around for unforgettable chats and delicious food, appropriately according to the space it occupies. If you have a wide space, you can easily use easy-to-use and extensible tables. You can also use a side table next to these tables in order to make the service easier. Comfortable single and double sofas with cushions can also be a nice preference in addition to the chairs that fit the size and width of the table.

Cleaning Your Furniture

Especially after the COVID-19 period, we should pay attention to the hygiene of the furniture we frequently touch at homes and in our gardens as much as we do with our own personal hygiene.   For the garden and balcony furniture, products that do not keep dirt thanks to the anti bacterial structure and that are not affected by negative weather conditions or by dust should be primarily preferred. It is also very crucial that the easy to clean plastics do not contain UV additives. Besides this, products with antistatic features against sunlight and rain may also prolong the lifespan of your furniture.

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