Recommendations for having valuable moments on Mother’s Day

09 May 2020

For this Mother’s Day, we compiled a list of Mother’s Day recommendations that will make our most valuable existence – our mothers – happier and will let you have enjoyable moments together. 

Create an Enjoyable Chat Corner

All of us have spots and areas at home where we adore and enjoy drinking coffee and having chats. 

With the arrival of summer months, it is time to enlarge these spots and areas and move them to balconies or to the gardens.

At the most beautiful hours of the day, you can create a time for Siesta with your mom and enjoy the clean and fresh air together.

Inspire from the Colours of Nature

With the arrival of May and the increase in temperature, the Nature has generously started to present its most beautiful colours to us.

Just like a Van Gogh or Monet painting, it is getting ready to take us into the depths with magical tones of blue and yellow. On such a significant day, you can plant new flowers and plants for your garden or balcony with your mother. Perhaps, you can discover your creativity by implementing your mother into your artistic works you have postponed for so long. 

Watch a film together

In order to the most out of the time we spend at home, we harshly recommend you have a look at these films with themes focusing on mother-daughter relationships! 

MammaMia (2008)

Step Mom (1998)

The Family Stone (2005)

Forrest Gump (1995)

My Mother’s Song (2014)


If there is a connection between breakfast and happiness, it is a fact that cooking has healing powers. This time, you can cook your mother’s favourite dish, spend time together in the kitchen, experience new tastes, or prepare a beautiful table for her.

A Little Nostalgia is Good!

Flipping the pages of your photo album is a little outdated after smart phones. Nevertheless, it is completely a different feeling to touch the photos, revisit your memories, and remember them. You can also prepare a photo album for your mother on Mother’s Day or revisit your unforgettable memories through your old photos!

Listen to Music and Play Games

You can have wonderful moments playing games for all ages such as Taboo, Monopoly, Uno, and Jenga. 

This year, we are sure that there will be no distances between our tie with them and our love for them even though most of us will be away from our mothers. Happy Mother’s Day!

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