Siesta's Indoor Trends Specific to Winter Season

27 November 2023

As the seasons turn to winter, at some point, we turn to our inner worlds. In this process, we spend more time at our homes than any other time. During this beautiful season where we renew ourselves, it is possible to increase our energy by renewing our homes. Some minor touches at our homes will be sufficient to achieve this.

This winter, the most beneficial recommendations that will contribute to the warmth and serenity of your indoors come from Siesta, as the leading brand of indoor and outdoor furniture. 

Favorite Colors of the 2023 Winter Season: Natural Colors

Earth, beige, and light gray tones will add a peaceful and warm atmosphere to your homes, especially to indoor environments. These tones will embrace everywhere from decorations to different corners your homes. Yellows, oranges, and greens are going to generate dynamism by blending with other colors.

While warm colors like earthy colors will be preferred for furniture, plain colors like beige will dominate your walls.

Portable and ergonomic furniture will be the mainstream.

Minimal indoor and outdoor furniture will be preferred also in this season while your homes will have a warmer and more modern atmosphere thanks to decorative products.

Back to Nature with Wood

The use of wood indoors, a popular trend in recent years, will also be dominant this season. Wood will accompany minimally in all furniture from kitchen sets to chairs, stools, and tables.

Objects with rush and braid themes will warm your houses.

From baskets to trays, objects with rush and braid themes that will add a different touch and warmth to your house will appear in forms different than each other. Thanks to your decoration, your living space will be more enjoyable. 

Mind the Lighting!

A great importance must be given especially to lighting, which affects the atmosphere of a place. During the winter months when it gets dark early, it is possible to make your space lighter and more tempting by getting some help from lighting tools like lampshades and candles. 

Do not forget to allocate some space for plants at your homes!

For a warm and friendly atmosphere, the support of plants at our homes are of great significance. 

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