Conditions of Winning a Ticket for Euroleague Basketball Match

02 March 2019

The link leading to more information and admission rules are on the profile.  
To win a ticket to the game between Fenerbahçe Beko and FC Barcelona Lassa on March 15, 2019:
You are required to share the dubbed version of any films mentioned below the on social media with #SiestaZamani hashtag. 
Fenerbahçe - Olympiacos Video #1
Fenerbahçe - Olympiacos Video #2
Fenerbahçe - Olympiacos Video #3
Fenerbahçe - Olympiacos Video #4
Fenerbahçe - Olympiacos Video #5
Fenerbahçe - Olympiacos Video #6
Fenerbahçe - Olympiacos Video #7
Fenerbahçe - Olympiacos Video #8
Fenerbahçe - Olympiacos Video #FULL
* Siesta Exclusive official account must be followed on the platform of sharing (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook)
* Our competition is due March 12, 2019 at 18:00 (Local Time)
* Two winners are going to be designated. The winners can bring a a friend with them. The total quota for the competition is limited to 4. 
* Transportation to the match will be provided by Siesta, within Istanbul. Winners who will come from other places than Istanbul can be picked up from airport or another address to be specified by them.
* The winners of the competition will be determined by a jury by Siesta and Saran Media.

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